Madgicx offers you 20 pre-built automation strategies to choose from and takes data from your ad account to suggest performance levels for when the automations trigger.

Madgicx automation strategies save you time and money by putting ad account management on autopilot 24/7.
With Madgicx’s automation strategies, you can get back to perfecting your next ad campaigns and creatives to drive more conversions, while the automation strategies handle the day-to-day budget management.
The strategy templates on offer work on different levels for your ad account (ad — pink, ad set — purple, campaign — blue).
Let’s run through the different strategies available for each level and what each strategy does.
- Long-Term Budget Optimization
Use the Long-Term Budget Optimization strategy to optimize your campaign budget, analyzing your performance across various time frames to make wiser optimization decisions. Madgicx calculates suggested performance metrics.
The budget changes in this strategy are relatively conservative, triggering minor increases or decreases based on performance. The automation can only trigger once every three days.
- Maximize Daily Campaign Profits
This strategy constantly increases campaign budgets that are performing really well to ensure the campaign keeps spending as long as it’s profitable.
This automation is set to trigger once the campaign is close to utilizing its entire daily budget, as long as it is above a certain ROAS level. The budget will automatically reset at midnight but may trigger multiple times a day (checks every 15 minutes) to ensure the campaign keeps running as long as it drives results.
The automation pauses at 23:00 so as not to waste your budget at the end of the day.
- Penalize Low-Performing Campaigns
This automation strategy will help you “penalize” Facebook campaigns that are underperforming. For example, if the campaign gathered enough impressions but the ROAS is low, Madgicx reduces its budget. Penalize Low-Performing Campaigns protects your budget on a daily basis.
This strategy also takes into consideration outbound clicks, the cost per outbound click, and add-to-carts. The strategy starts 5 hours into the day to check the early performance. If the early signs aren’t good enough, the automation reduces the budget for these campaigns.
- Ride The Daily Campaign Momentum
This strategy increases campaign budgets that are performing exceptionally well, giving the campaign a more aggressive boost in order to build upon positive daily momentum.
Madgicx will take advantage of the campaign's daily success and boost the budget. This strategy will trigger only once a day once your ROAS hits a certain value while the cost per purchase remains low.
Ride The Daily Campaign Momentum differs from Maximize Daily Campaign Profits in that the former gives your campaign a one-time boost, whereas the latter is about using up the budget (making several increases) as long as the campaign is profitable.
Ad set
- Attribution Delay Check
Attribution delays might occur due to consumer behavior (people don’t always make a purchase right away after seeing an ad). Moreover, since iOS14, Facebook attribution might be delayed by up to 72 hours. Therefore, you need to ensure having automation tactics in place to turn ad sets back on if they were turned off due to an attribution delay.
Attribution Delay Check works like a ROAS-based Revive. It checks the ad-set performance to see if there was an increase in results due to attribution delay, and if the ad set is turned off, it will turn it back on.
- Long-Term Budget Optimization
Long-Term Budget Optimization for ad sets is similar to the strategy at the campaign level, except that this is for the ad-set level, which means ABO, not CBO. Note that this strategy applies only to acquisition assets.
- Long-Term Budget Optimization (Retargeting)
This works the same as the Long-Term Budget Optimization above but is for retargeting and retention campaigns.
- Mark potential scaling opportunities
This strategy will locate ad sets that have consistently performed and automatically add "- Potential Scaling" to their name. This will help you identify potentially winning ad sets and understand where there are opportunities to scale.
This is a less aggressive way to ensure you don't miss out on scaling opportunities. Instead of letting the machine scale your ad sets automatically, you can have more control and only ask it to highlight the scalable ones for you.
The disadvantage is, of course: you need to regularly look for these assets (you can do that in Ads Manager 2.0) and scale them manually.
The strategy will remove this suffix from the ad set's name if the performance decreases to ensure all highlighted assets are still relevant.
- Maximize Daily Ad Set Profits
Just as for campaigns, this strategy constantly increases ad-set budgets that are performing really well to ensure the ad set keeps spending as long as it’s profitable.
- Pause Losing Ad Sets for Today
Madgicx will pause underperforming ad sets for today if they don't drive any purchases but spend over their limit or have a low ROAS.
The strategy will unpause the ad sets at 00:00 or earlier if their results improve due to attribution delay.
- Pause Losing Ad sets Permanently
Madgicx will pause ad sets that consistently underperformed in the last couple of days. It will unpause them if their results improve due to attribution delay. This strategy takes more parameters into consideration because pausing permanently is an aggressive move.
It ensures the ad set gets enough time and spend, and pauses it only if it didn't drive any purchases or if its cost per purchase is too high and the ROAS is too low.
- Penalize Low-Performing Ad Sets
Use this strategy to “penalize” ad sets that are underperforming. For example, if the asset gathered enough impressions but the ROAS is low, Madgicx reduces its budget.
Penalize Low-Performing Ad Sets is similar to the strategy we have at the campaign level, but here the budget decrease is a bit more aggressive.
- Ride The Daily Ad Set Momentum
The same as Ride The Daily Campaign Momentum, but for ad sets.
- Sneak Attack
Sneak Attack is a proven media-buying strategy that finds your lowest possible bid amount by gradually increasing the bid until you reach enough impressions. To set up this method, first ensure that manual bidding is set up to “Bid Cap” before launching.
This strategy comes with a built-in performance-based stop loss, and the strategy will also decrease the bid once it spends a certain percent of its daily budget.
- Scale your winners
Scale your winning ad sets with this long-term automation strategy for maximizing performance.
This automation increases the ad set’s budget if it maintains great performance over time but gives the ad set some leeway to pick up that momentum in the first three days of being launched. It also is restrictive in the number of times the ad set can be viewed (frequency) before scaling the budget.
The automation scales differently for different budget levels. For budgets of up to $100, the automation increases the budget by $10 each time it triggers. For budgets over $100 the automation increases the budget by 10% each time it triggers.
It does this because $10 is a good enough increase that isn't too expensive when we are talking about up to $100. But when we go past $100 we need to be using percentages for it to make an actual impact. If the budget is $1000, then $10 is a drop in the water, whereas a percentage value will have a greater impact.
- Decrease Budgets on low performers
Decrease budgets for ad sets with worse-than-average performance to reach a more optimal ad spend for these ad sets.
This automation decreases the ad set’s budget if it doesn’t improve in performance over time, but gives the ad set some leeway to pick up momentum in the first three days of being launched.
- Kill losing ad sets
Instantly increase your ad ROI by killing off consistently under-performing ad sets that are costing you money.
This strategy monitors the performance of the ad set following five days of being launched and pauses them if their performance doesn’t improve.
- Attribution Delay Check
Same as above in ad sets, but for individual ads.
- Avoid Spending on Underperforming Ads
Madgicx will make sure that Facebook does not spend the budget on underperforming ads by turning them off for today.
This is an outbound-click-based stop loss, which makes sure the ad gets enough spend to drive clicks before it pauses it. The strategy also comes with a built-in Revive in case the ad brought a purchase (attribution delay).
- Daily Frequency Limit for Retargeting Ads
Retargeting audiences might see your ads too frequently, which can provoke negative reactions. This is because these audiences tend to be relatively small and, therefore, might reach saturation faster than acquisition audiences.
This strategy prevents that by checking your ad's frequency, and turning it off for the day if it gets above two viewings on average, but doesn’t drive any purchases. i.e., if the frequency is high, but the ad drives results, we let it run. However, if it doesn't drive results, although people have seen it quite a few times, we set the automation to pause it.
- Mark High-CTR Ads
The strategy will locate ads that have a higher outbound CTR than the account average and mark them by adding the words "|| High CTR ||" to their names. The strategy will remove this "tag" from the ad's name if the outbound CTR drops.
This is another conservative scaling strategy, which allows you to manually select which ads to scale, but also requires you to monitor and scale manually using Ads Manager 2.0.
- Pause Losing Ads for Today
Madgicx will pause underperforming ads for today. The automation triggers based on how much you pay for clicks. If your spend doesn’t drive any clicks or these clicks aren’t resulting in high-ticket purchases and aren’t worth the price you are paying for them, the automation will pause these ads.
It will unpause them at 00:00 or earlier if their results improve due to attribution delay.
- Pause Losing Ads Permanently
Madgicx will pause ads that underperformed in the last couple of days. The conditions of the automation give the ad enough time to pick up some momentum, but if it doesn’t drive clicks, those clicks are expensive, or ROAS isn’t high enough, the ads are paused for good.
This strategy also contains a trigger that will unpause the ads if their results improve due to attribution delay.
Difference with Facebook Ads Manager
Madgicx Automations make you a better media buyer because it saves you time by completing actions in Facebook Ad Manager for you.
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